Ontario Resources

[#1] ] Planning an accessible meeting: Checklist
Use these guidelines of the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment & Infrastructure to ensure that your building or event is accessible to people with disabilities.

[#2] Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC) – University of Toronto
Dedicated to ensuring that the design of emerging information technology is inclusive of people with disabilities. ATRC provides information on assistive technology that helps individuals achieve their personal goals and makes education accessible.

[#3] Assistive Devices Program (ADP) – Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
Provides information on financial assistance for Ontario residents with long-term physical disabilities to obtain assistive devices essential for independent living.

[#4] Business Takes Action (BTA)
BTA is a Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME)initiative. Their mandate is to provide the tools and resources to employers in removing the physical and attitudinal barriers associated with hiring persons with disabilities.

[#5] Centre for Student Development – McMaster University (Hamilton)
Services to students on campus — personal concerns; students with disabilities; academic performance; personal development; peer helpers and volunteers.

[#6] Centre for Students with Disabilities – Algonquin College
The Centre provides guidance in developing education support services to students with disabilities, to help students become independent learners in the College environment.

[#7] Community Living Ontario
Supports individuals with intellectual disabilities live, learn, work and participate in all aspects of living in the community. They also help families and the community to provide a welcoming and supportive environment.

[#8] COSTI Immigrant Services – Greater Toronto Area (GTA)
Education and social service agency serving newcomers to Canada. In the Toronto area, COSTI operates five employment and training centres, six ESL training centres, a centre for Foreign Trained Professional and Tradespeople, a Rehabilitation Centre for people with disabilities and a Family Counselling Centre. Immigrant settlement services.

[#9] Counselling & Disability Services – York University
They provide a range of services, including personal counselling, group development workshops, learning skills training, support and academic accommodation for students with learning, mental health, physical, sensory and medical disabilities.

[#10] Disabilities Flyers – YMCA Employment Services Information Warehouse (Toronto)
Downloadable information flyers (PDF files) on Toronto resources for people with disabilities.

[#11] Accessibility Services – Fanshawe College
Students with disabilities can access counselling, assessment, and academic assistance.

[#12] DisAbled Women’s Network Canada
DAWN Ontario advocates for inclusion and equality for women with disabilities in Ontario. Links to web sites of Ontario disability organizations.

[#13] Employment Services – Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario
CPA Ontario offers employment services for persons with disabilities, including career counselling, employment mentoring, assistive technology, job search, job placement, and employment supports. Employers are offered qualified applicants and on-site support in accommodating employees with disabilities.

[#14] LinkUp Employment Services (Toronto)
At its centre in downtown Toronto, LinkUp helps persons with disabilities find jobs through many cross-disability programs: assessment of skills and abilities; employment consultants to help with job searching; workshops and seminars; presentations by businesses. Assessment of training needs and eligibility for grants.

[#15] Literacy and Basic Skills – Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Program; Literacy for Adults with Developmental Disabilities; Literacy Profile of Immigrants.

[#16] Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) – Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services
Income support and employment support for people with disabilities in financial need.

[#17] Ontario March of Dimes (OMOD)
Helps Ontarians with physical disabilities participate more fully in community life. Employment programs focus on vocational assessment, skills training, supportive employment and job placement services.

[#18] PATH Employment Services (Hamilton)
PATH is a Hamilton employment agency for people with disabilities. Job Find Club.

[#19] Project ADVANCE – Learning Disability Services – York University (Toronto)
A six-week summer program to prepare high school students with specific learning disabilities for the challenges of university. Students learn about: academic strategies; study and life skills; adaptive technologies; availability of campus support; and more.

[#20] Services for Students with disABILITIES (SSWD) – Brock University
Find out about on-campus services for physically or learning disabled students. Services include note taking, exam accommodation and advocacy.

[#21] Services for Students with Disabilities – Student Development Centre (SDC) – University of Western Ontario (UWO)
A variety of services are available to assist students with disabilities in adjusting to the university environment.

[#22] Special Olympics Ontario Kitchener-Waterloo
A completely volunteer driven organization that provides year-round opportunities in sports training and athlete competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

[#23] Volunteering – Ontario March of Dimes
Discover the benefits of volunteering with this organization that is dedicated to creating a society inclusive of people with physical disabilities.

[#24] WORKink Ontario – The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
Explore resources, tools and articles relevant to Ontario job seekers with disabilities.

[#25] YMCA Employment Services Information Warehouse (ESIW) – Toronto
ESIW collects and provides information about employment services available in the Toronto North area. Topics include: job finding clubs; wage subsidy; foreign-trained professionals; newcomers; experienced workers; persons with disabilities; and more.


Best Practices in the Home-Based Employment of People with Disabilities
This handbook, from the Canadian Centre on Disability Studies, provides guidelines for the planning, implementation and maintenance of successful home-based telework arrangements. Find suggestions for workers, employers, and organizations.

Canadian Association of Independent Living Centres (CAILC)
Located across Canada, Independent Living Centres (ILC) offer peer support, skills development, and an employment program designed to empower people with disabilities to live independently.

Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities
This non-profit association is dedicated to maximizing workforce and community participation and inclusion of professionals with disabilities. They support all professionals regardless of their employment status, profession, or specialty.

Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW)
This network promotes meaningful and equitable employment of people with disabilities. Job accommodation services (JAS), training, and consultation are among the services provided to people with disabilities and potential employers.

Canadian Society for Social Development (CSSD)
CSSD’s mandate is to provide employment and skills training to persons facing barriers to employment. They offer Canadians with disabilities free online courses, including: Internet Business Development for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities (IBDE), a 6-month web design course; and Business Abilities, a website with all the tools you need to start your business.

Creating a Welcoming Workplace for Employees with Disabilities – Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
This guide recommends some ways to include persons with disabilities in the work environment, to make them feel welcomed as contributing members of the team.

The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) provides this list of grants, scholarships and funding programs for students with disabilities.

Easter Seals Ontario
Easter Seals Ontario is a registered Canadian charity providing programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities, including: financial assistance for Mobility equipment and communication devices, fully accessible summer camp, funding for participation in other recreational programs, post-secondary education scholarships, parent resources information and public education and awareness.

Easter Seals Ontario Post-Secondary Scholarships
Easter Seals Ontario is a registered Canadian charity providing programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities, including: financial assistance for Mobility equipment and communication devices, fully accessible summer camp, funding for participation in other recreational programs, post-secondary education scholarships, parent resources information and public education and awareness.

EdLink – National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)
Learn about the services available to students with disabilities and special needs at universities and colleges across Canada.

Madentec Ltd.
Learn about the assistive technology available for people with physical disabilities. Products provide solutions for computer access and control, as well as aids for daily living.

Office for Disability Issues – Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Find information on disability issues and related programs, services, and activities. Information is available for job seekers with disabilities and employers.

On My Own: A Resource Guide to Living Independently
Designed to assist young people with disabilities in their transition to living independently, this book covers everything from finding a place to live to finding employment. (Fees apply)

Persons with Disabilities Online – Government of Canada
Find information and services related to employment, education, financial supports, human rights and other areas of interest to persons with disabilities.

Tapping the Talents of People with Disabilities
This report of interest to all employers, was produced by the Conference Board of Canada and is available in pdf format.